In this instant age of multiple social media platforms and uninhibited mobile access to just about everything possible, the biggest challenge is to attract, engage and retain your customers in your virtual space.
Experts suggest that stating the facts alone activates two parts of the brain. However, narrating a story that your consumer or client can relate to, be a part of, reminisce or apply to his/her life in fact, activates seven parts of the brain!
“Personal stories and gossip make up 65% of our conversations…”
Scientific facts appeal to the rational aspect of an individual while stories appeal to the emotions of an individual that helps him/her to communicate, relate, motivate and gently nudge themselves towards making a good, informed decision. Using simple language and maintaining a low level of complexity is the most effective way of telling a story.
Blogs Provide Value to Customers
Today, consumers are very well-informed and seek information about any product or service before buying them. As a business owner, you can inform your customer by educating them about your product offering or services rendered. For example, if you sell fine jewellery, you can host blogs on your website or social media platform about Jewellery after-care, benefits of energy forces in stones, tips to buy quality jewellery etc.
“Instead of focusing on the competition, focus on your customer…”
This value-add in addition to the product offering will not only increase your visibility and keep your business relevant, but also help convert your first-time customer into a fan who comes back for information to your website repeatedly.
Consistent Quality Content Updates
In digital media, it is not acceptable to simply create a gorgeous website and move on. Having a website equals having a business card. When you exchange business cards with potential clients, you regularly follow up with them to clinch the deal. Similarly, posting relevant, quality content in the form of blogs or articles, updating your customers about upcoming products or events, exhibitions, or announcing regular updates about upcoming sales is a great way to connect with your customers.
“Out of sight, out of mind…”
Constantly updating your website with quality content that provide value to your customer in different ways ensures high search engine rankings. Search engine optimization (SEO) is an excellent tool to showcase your products and services to a customer seeking to buy your product or hire your services in the haystack that is the world wide web.
Focus on your Core Competence
As an entrepreneur or business owner, you don multiple hats and are responsible for everything – be it, marketing, branding, packaging, promotions, online marketing, business development, accounting, even motivating yourself. You are also the one who is brimming with ideas, interesting ways to market your products and services.
The key to running a successful business is to identify, prioritize and focus on your core competence and then delegate other functions like content development or storytelling to the experts!
Delegate. Prioritize. Grow.
When your ideas are great, but you are unable to articulate it well; we can do it for you. We, the storytellers will narrate your story for you – your thoughts and ideas, our creative take on words, stories, images and brands! Our stories are addictive, your customers will keep coming back for more. Contact us now to ask how!